Soon the couple has a child; the cottage needs to be bigger, so the couple encloses the back porch so the baby has a room.
Gradually, the cottage grows from 3 rooms, to four rooms, etc.
Here are some photos of cottages that have apparently grown, as a family's needs increase.
Below, a gorgeous newly renovated cottage in Marble Falls, Texas....and how it grew and grew..... Note, the chimney on the side of the front view can be seen again in the second photo, near the front side.
The next cottage that grew is located in the lakeside community of Highland Haven, Texas. The cottage is on the lake and actually looks like two cottages joined together. They are painted different colors to highlight the differences.
And third, a Fredricksburg, Texas cottage that is an eye-stopper!
Do you wonder if it was once two log cottages, on separate lots? How much I'd love to know the history of these three cottages. I may have to make a return visit and ask. If so, I will give you an update.
and finally, although this probably doesn't qualify as a cottage, it is made of stone, and is a very old home, in Stonewall, Texas. I'd guess it has been added on to...and I love it!
What a wonderful old country estate near the LBJ birthplace!
I'll be back soon with Blog # 4. Until then, Pleasant Day Dreams! Phebe